Pollinator Friendly Habitat Group

Pollinator Friendly Habitat (PFH)

Dunn County Beekeepers Association Subgroup 

Meeting Place / Time: This group is no longer meeting. Typically, meetings would be the same Monday nights that the Dunn County Beekeepers group meets.

Contact: Jenny Gruber, jmgwis@wwt.net; Ph: 715-875-4656 

Minutes may be viewed here… 

Purpose of the Pollinator Friendly Habitat (PFH) subgroup is to improve pollinator health (such as bees, butterflies and birds), and especially the honeybee by:


Summary of interests

Best non-GMO plants for pollinators

Toxic plants for bees

Use of Wetlands Reserve Program Land (WRP) for PFH

Use of Conservation Reserve Program Land (CRP) for PFH

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) for PFH

PFH for back yards and small plots


Products we could create